G20: Takeaways From a Crisis-Ridden Summit

by London Politica

30 November 2022

In this paper we discuss:

  1. The G20 meeting that took place on 15-16 November 2022 in Bali, with the war in Ukraine, the pandemic recovery and climate change being at the top of the agenda;
  2. How multi-lateral organisations (such as UNSC and G20) are having hard time having an impact at the time of crisis;
  3. How G20 leaders managed to agree on a shared final communique’;
  4. That the final declaration ‘condemned the war in Ukraine’ and ‘denounced the use or threats of nuclear weapons';
  5. How diplomatic channels of communication may remain open even during time of war; and
  6. How the G20 needs reforming if it wants to remain relevant as an economic and geopolitical discussion forum.

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